- June 18- 24: Volunteer Work Week
- June 25 – July 1 – K.J. Holmes, Combing Disciplines for Creative Performance Workshop
- July 3 – 14 – Day Camp Session 1
- July 4, 1 pm – Day Camp Family Cookout and Parade
- July 6, 1:30pm Naturalist visit by Alena Giesche (Geologist)
- July 14, Fri 7pm Ciarra Fragale in concert, Dancing encouraged! Free!
- July 15, 10AM Bird Bones/ 40th Annual Loon Count
- Performance by Bearnstow retreat artists following the annual Loon Count, light refreshments provided, find out more and RSVP
- July 17-28 – Day Camp Session 2
- July 28, 3pm Day Camp Performance and family swim
- July 30- August 5 – Claire Porter, Writing and Moving
- August 1 – Botanical Sketching Workshop (Kennebec Land Trust) Registration required
- August 6 – 12 – Bebe Miller and Angie Hauser, Solo/Duo Dancing
- August 14 – 20 – Jasmine Hearn, and Angie Pittman
- August 26 – Final Concert by Bearnstow Young Artist Interns , Union Hall, Vienna ME
Weekly Programming:
- Wednesdays, 6:30-8, Mount Vernon Community Center Community classes taught by visiting artists and faculty
- Fridays, 7-8pm, Informal performances and presentations by workshop participants and artists in residence
- Naturalist Presentations: Dates and presenters TBA
Bearnstow is still considering opportunities for additional programming, check back soon!
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