Notes Historical Footage from Bearnstow’s Past BearnstowAugust 27, 2019December 7, 2020 Edited by Max Prum from Bearnstow’s archive footage. Earlier this summer, two longtime campers, Bebe Miller and Janet Erickson, remembered and recorded an old Bearnstow camp song with Ruth Grauert (Reg). Bearnstow had its firstContinue reading
Notes Bearnstow’s Geological History, from 20,000 Years Ago BearnstowAugust 27, 2010January 22, 2021 By Julie Brigham-Grette and Daniel Miller, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts–Amherst Around 20,000 yearsContinue reading
Notes A History of Bearnstow BearnstowAugust 24, 2010May 22, 2022 by Ruth Grauert According to Mount Vernon town records, it was in the spring 1864Continue reading
Notes Experience Bearnstow BearnstowSeptember 1, 2007December 7, 2020 by Ruth Grauert One crosses the Bridge and enters an unchanged world. The Trees areContinue reading
Notes Stories from Camp (Bearnstow, that is) BearnstowAugust 30, 2004November 30, 2020 by Susan Douglas Roberts Dreaming my way in I wake up Sunday morning on theContinue reading