The pieces in this performance have been developed through independent creative process during the summer and the 2024 Bearnstow Workshops including: Writing and Moving, A Creativity Retreat with Claire Porter, Solo/Duo Duo Dancing with Angie Hauser and Bebe Miller, Moving, Sounding and Acting: Improvisation into Choreography with Janis Brenner, and Dancing With: Responding to our Environments, Each other, and Ourselves with Maria Bauman.
Where: Vienna Union Hall, 5 Mountain Rd, Vienna ME
When: Saturday, August 24 at 7pm
How Much: General Adults $15, children and seniors $10, $25 Bearnstow supporter ticket
(no one will be turned away for lack of funds - reach out to or 207-293-2280 if you need a free or discounted ticket)
Bearnstow is a 501(c)3 non-profit and additional donations are welcome!
Ticket sales will at online at 4pm the day of the show beause we do not have wifi access at the Venue, it does not mean we are sold out, please just show up!
Vienna, ME 04360
United States
General Adult | $15.00 |
child/ Senior | $10.00 |
Supporter level | $25.00 |